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What are Common Symptoms of Withdrawal? | Opioid & Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms 2024

Determining what happens to an individual’s body and mind when they completely stop drinking or consuming a substance can be a highly-challenging task. Withdrawal symptoms different but they impact numerous people who abstain from using drugs as well as alcohol or stop completely.

This article will highlight the common indications which point towards withdrawal and the method of dealing with them in a safe way. Let us dive right into it and find out all about what are common symptoms of withdrawal:

What are Common Symptoms of Withdrawal: What is Withdrawal?

Understanding Withdrawal

Withdrawal takes place when an individual stops or minimizes the consumption of drugs or alcohol which they were using on a regular basis. This procedure leads to physical as well as mental symptoms because the human body has to adapt to not taking the substance anymore. Individuals feel this effect primarily because their bodies become adapted to the usage of drugs as well as alcohol in order to function in a normal way.

The NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse) sheds light on the fact that although withdrawal symptoms are serious, doctors and medical professionals may treat them using specific medications. The list of medications include opioids, alcohol, as well as other drugs which lead towards addiction and issues related to dependence.

The Causes of Withdrawal

The human body and brain continuously try to remain in balance. This state is referred to as homeostasis. When an individual regularly consumes substances such as opioids, alcohol, benzos, etc., their system needs to adapt to the substances’ presence.

Over time, this paves the way towards tolerance’s development. People require higher dosages to obtain similar effects because their bodies get adapted. This cycle or loop can very quickly transform into physical dependence.

The moment you completely stop the consumption of those substances, your body sends the signal that something is not right via withdrawal symptoms. This occurs because the brain adapts to the effects of alcohol or the substance on its neurotransmitters; messengers such as dopamine as well as gamma-aminobutyric acid which regulates mood & behavior.

Suddenly abstaining from the substance leads to the brain struggling in terms of regaining its old balance in its absence. Factors such as the amount of time someone utilizes drugs, the types of drugs they took, as well as their overall health have an impact on the severity or intensity of withdrawal symptoms which they experience.

Identifying Common or Ordinary Withdrawal Symptoms

Physical Symptoms Associated with Withdrawal

Normal or mild symptoms include:

  1. Alterations in appetite usually take place, leading towards weight loss or weight gain.
  2. Individuals may begin experiencing withdrawal symptoms like frequent chills and face issues in getting warm.
  3. Another sign is congestion without suffering from cold.
  4. Fatigue or tiredness hits hard, leading to even the simplest of tasks feeling tiring or exhausting.
  5. Muscle pain may become a major struggle, hindering movement and negatively impacting comfort.
  6. Nausea generally prevents eating besides disrupting daily life.
  7. Restlieness may lead to individuals moving or fidgeting most of the time.
  8. A runny nose which points towards perpetual cold.
  9. Shakiness in hands, or in some cases, the entire body, can lead to interference with regular activities.
  10. Sleeping difficulties, including the likes of insomnia, broken sleep patterns, etc.
  11. Excessive sweating happens irrespective of physical exertion or the temperature.
  12. Jumping at even the slightest stimuli or experiencing tremors without any specific cause is very common.
  13. Vomiting can be continuous, which in turn, further complicates the intake of food.

Severe symptoms include:

  1. Hallucinations which make it very tough to differentiate between reality and imagination.
  2. Seizures which pose grave health threats and need immediate medical attention.
  3. Delirium leads to confusion and extreme disorientation, impacting both understanding as well as awareness.

Psychological Symptoms Associated with Withdrawal

  1. Mood swings are very common, thereby making individuals feel as if they are on an emotional roller coaster’s ride.
  2. Depression hits very hard, leaving people feeling intense sadness and hopelessness.
  3. Irritability makes it very hard for individuals to properly deal with common or everyday situations without feeling angry or upset.
  4. Anxiety makes a state of continuous worry as well as fear, thereby making relaxation impossible.
  5. Confusion generally occurs, thereby making it very tough to think with clarity or make decisions.
  6. Paranoia can make individuals feel extremely suspicious as well as fearful of other individuals without any reason.
  7. Suicidal thoughts might exhibit themselves, significantly increasing harm’s risk.

Substance-Based Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal from Alcohol | Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal from alcohol is deemed a highly-severe condition which can eventually result in life-threatening problems such as alcohol withdrawal seizures, or in some cases, even death. Individuals suffering from alcohol use disorder or alcohol misuse, specifically those who have been serious drinkers, i.e., those who keep each drink as their last drink but continue drinking, might face symptoms of alcohol withdrawal like extreme heartbeats, high BP, sleeplessness, shaky hands, nervousness, and in some severe withdrawal cases, delirium tremens.

Delirium Trens is quite rare, but highly dangerous. The management of alcohol withdrawal via medically managed detox is very important for safety. Developing alcohol withdrawal symptoms requires help. Doctors usually recommend detoxification facilities as the most secure way to overcome intense alcohol dependence, including heavy drinking tendencies. This kind of approach helps manage as well as ease the withdrawal symptoms in a controlled environment.

For any individual experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms, medications may be utilized for the treatment of specific severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms such as racing pulse, insomnia, etc., during the procedure of medical detoxification at treatment clinics specializing in the withdrawal treatment of Substance Use Disorders. Alcohol withdrawal may cause serious issues in the future if left untreated, which is why consulting an experienced professional treatment provider is a must, especially if the individual used to drinking a high amount of alcohol.

Withdrawal from Opioids | Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms

Individuals facing opioid withdrawal generally deal with or manage intense symptoms which make quitting very tough. Withdrawal may result in a set of symptoms like nervousness, having a tough time when trying to sleep, nausea, diarrhea, tightening of muscles, and sweating profusely.

Withdrawal from opioids begins within approximately 12 hours post the last dosage for most drugs in this specific category. For users of methadone, it takes longer for things to kick-off, i.e., it takes around 30 hours. Doctors may prescribe medical detox at medical detox facilities for any individual who is dealing with opioid withdrawal’s tough symptoms. This procedure can help in the withdrawal management of or easing off the discomfort caused besides the opportunity of reverting to using opioids.

Opioid use disorder is nothing less than an uphill battle for numerous individuals seeking to break free from drug dependence. Moreover, it demands professional support to elevate chances of success.

Withdrawal from Benzodiazepines | Benzodiazepines Withdrawal Symptoms

Benzodiazepine withdrawal exhibits its own set of tough challenges. Those who are addicted to anti-anxiety medications and drugs may face intense symptoms such as anxiety, agitation, severe sweating, elevated heart rates, sleeping issues, and in certain cases, hallucinations during the phase of withdrawal. This highlights the vitality of monitored medical detoxification to ensure safety.

Doctors stress that holding back from consumption of central nervous system depressants such as benzodiazepines can turn out to be lethal if not managed properly. This specific approach generally involves specialized detoxification facilities, wherein healthcare professionals can actively monitor for symptoms and promptly manage them. This step is important for the prevention of any kind of life-threatening conditions.

Withdrawal from Cocaine | Cocaine Withdrawal Symptoms

Cocaine withdrawal brings an extensive range of symptoms, each of which impact both the mind as well as the body. Individuals often feel depressed and tired, and experience symptoms like insomnia. Other generic issues include intense anxiety, irritability, paranoia, as well as an enhanced appetite.

Extreme urge or craving for consuming the drug is another important symptom. These indications exhibit how the human body responds when it does not get to consume cocaine after using it on a regular basis.

The procedure of managing the said symptoms can span between several days to several weeks. Seeking help with the help of medical detoxification holds the potential to make this time safer as well as more comfortable. This specific approach is very important for any individual who is actively trying to overcome cocaine dependency.

Tactics for the Management of Withdrawal Symptoms

Approaches to Medical Detoxification | Substance and Alcohol Detox

Approaches to medical detoxifications target ensuring safety & comfort, specifically during the process of withdrawal. Facilities specializing in this sort of care usually provides same-day admission for individuals who need immediate medical attention. Here is a look at some popular approaches:

  1. Evaluation by Healthcare Professionals: A team of medical professionals, including qualified doctors and nurses evaluate your physical as well as mental health in order to create a personalized plan of detoxification.This generally includes evaluating your history of substance usage in addition to the current health status.
  2. Safe Environment: Detoxification centers provide a secure setting wherein patients can properly withdraw from substances under very close supervision. This minimizes risks such as relapse, overdose, etc.
  3. MAT or Medication Assisted Treatment: For specific kinds of withdrawal, including the likes of opioid, alcohol, as well as benzodiazepine dependence, certain medications may be leveraged to ease off the symptoms as well as the cravings. This minimizes the chances of an intense withdrawal.
  4. Emotional Support: Professional therapists and counselors offer psychological support during the detoxification process in order to help in the management of feelings such as anxiety, depression, or any other co-occurring condition associated with mental health.
  5. Nutritional Support: Receiving proper nutrition is very important for recovery. Detoxification facilities may provide meal plans specifically designed to help in the process of healing the body.
  6. Active Monitoring: Healthcare staff actively monitors patients to look for indications of stress or complications which often arise during the withdrawal phase, adjusting the treatment plan as and when required to ensure stability.
  7. Planning for Aftercare: Post stabilization, patients receive guidance regarding the next steps in their journey towards recovery. This includes ongoing therapy, support groups such as SMART Recovery, or long-term options of treatment.

Detox Medications

Here is a look at the medications used during the detox phase in a crystal clear manner: 

Medication Type


Used For

Alpha-2 Adrenergic Agonists Catapres or Clonidine, Lofexidine Reduction of anxiety, agitation or irritation, aches in muscles, and sweating.
Benzodiazepines Librium (chlordiazepoxide), Ativan (lorazepam), Valium (diazepam) Alleviating anxiety as well as preventing seizures.
Agonists & Antagonists of Opioids Buprenex (Buprenorphine), Methadone Reducing cravings and opioids’ withdrawal symptoms
Other forms of medications Numerous anti-anxiety drugs, anticonvulsants & antipsychotics Addressing issues like nausea, sleep-related problems, and certain withdrawal symptoms.

Medications such as Catapres, Librium, as well as Buprenex play major roles in the process of detoxification. They aid patients in the management of a wide range of signs related to withdrawal, right from from physical discomforts such as aches in muscles, to psychological forms of distress such as anxiety.

Methadone & Buprenorphone, for instance, majorly minimize opioids’ cravings, thereby offering a much smoother and seamless transition away from dependency. Benzodiazepines like Valium as well as Ativan are vital for their efficiency in their prevention of seizures, which is a grave risk during the process of detoxification from alcohol and benzodiazepines. The use of the aforementioned medications under the supervision of professionals guarantees a safer detox journey.

Professional Help’s Role in Withdrawal

Professional help offers more than mere medication; it involves support, care, as well as strategies to ease off symptoms such as drug cravings, psychological addiction, etc. Some symptoms may last for a long time, especially without treatment, or if the wrong course of treatment is chosen. This complete approach aids individuals move smoothly through the different stages of withdrawal with elevated safety and less complication.

Professional teams at treatment clinics, such as Alliance MD in Michigan City, Munster, & Merrillville, provide integrated care which addresses dependence on substances as well as co-occuring mental health issues and disorders. With their expertise, medical professionals manage side effects in the most efficient way possible, thereby paving the path for a smooth and seamless recovery process.

The primary objective is to make sure individuals who are struggling with symptoms of opioid withdrawal or alcohol-related issues receive personalized care and support throughout their recovery journey. Integrated care models are deemed highly vital in the management of complex interplay between mental health disorders along with substance use disorders.


Withdrawal symptoms showcase how our mind and body act in the absence of substances which they have become habituated to. These indications can range mild, such as sweating and pain in the muscle, to intense, like delirium or seizures.

Every individual experiences withdrawal in a different way, primarily because it is dependent on the substance along with the unique response of their body. Getting aid from experienced medical professionals at a reputed treatment clinic can make coping with the symptoms much easier. Besides getting treatment, eating healthy, staying highly active, and drinking lots of water also plays major roles in the management of withdrawal effects safely.


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