Addiction Treatment Center

What is Medicated Assisted Treatment? | Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Opioid Use Disorder in 2024

Facing addiction is very tough. MAT or Medication-Assisted Treatment, provides a lifeline to individuals who are having a tough time battling substance use disorders, such as opioid misuse, alcohol usage issues, etc. 

In this article, we will guide you through what is Medicated Assisted Treatment, how it blends drugs such as methadone with counseling and therapy sessions to facilitate recovery. Let us get started:

What is Medicated Assisted Treatment: An In-Depth Look at MAT

Definition & Purpose of MAT

Medication-Assisted Treatment or MAT for short tackles OUD (Opioid Use Disorder) by mixing medications along with counseling and behavioral therapy sessions. This method treating opioid use disorder or approach’s main target is restoring the health and well-being of patients by managing substance abuse and mental health or well-being from numerous angles. 

By using medications approved by the FDA, including the likes of methadone, naltrexone, buprenorphine, etc., the treatment helps individuals reduce opioid cravings. Such cravings often lead to patients going back to their addictive ways, thereby making it tough for them to remain on their path to recovery. 

The main aim of Medication Assisted Treatment is not merely the management of withdrawal symptoms, i.e., this kind of treatment targets the primary cause of addiction. It betters the chances of patients recovering, primarily by paying attention to addiction’s psychological aspects via therapy, all while medically minimizing the euphoric effects which are associated with intense drug usage.

The Main Principles of Medication-Assisted Recovery

As mentioned earlier, MAT’s approach mixes together medications with counseling and therapy sessions to effectively tackle OUD and Alcohol Use Disorder. The key principles of MAT include personalized care and monitoring which takes into account the patient’s unique requirements in their journey of recovery and healing. This makes sure that the treatment programs are not similar for every patient, i.e., they cater specifically to each patient’s unique situation. 

Additional support besides medical treatment plays a massive role in the recovery journey. Incorporating vocational, mental health-related, family, as well as legal support also contributes to addressing every aspect of a patient’s life affected by substance misuse.

Medications Associated with MAT

Treatments for OUD (Opioid Use Disorder)

For the right treatment of OUD, three medications which for the record, are FDA-approved medications, stand tall, namely methadone, buprenorphine, & naltrexone. Suboxone, which is an opioid agonist is also a key player in the realm of treatment. Medical professionals prescribe buprenorphine or methadone daily. This specific medication to help with OUD must necessarily come from specialized clinics referred to as OTPs or Opioid Treatment Programs. 

The case of Buprenorphine is different, i.e., it lets patients choose. They can consume it on a daily basis by themselves or get a single long-lasting shot. Needless to say, consultation with experienced doctors is a must before starting medication. 

Coming to Naltrexone, it functions by blocking the euphoric feelings that opioids provide. Patients can consume it in the form of pills daily or as a single injection on a monthly basis. 

All of the aforementioned treatments aid people in fighting their strong addictions to opioids such as heroin as well as prescription drugs like oxycodone. The main goal of this effective treatment for OUD is to allow individuals to live a life which is more stable while minimizing the risk of overdose besides the risk of relapsing into substance use.

Treatments for AUD (Alcohol Use Disorder)

Medication-Assisted Treatment for MAT for AUD aka Alcohol Use Disorder involves the usage of medications to aid in the management of and recovery from alcohol dependence. Doctors generally prescribe medications such as Acamprosate, Disulfiram, as well as Naltrexone to those who are struggling with Alcohol Use Disorder. 

These drugs function by minimizing alcohol cravings, blocking drinking’s euphoric effects, and most importantly, stabilizing the brain’s chemical imbalance which is caused due to alcohol abuse. This specific approach is a major component of a complete treatment plan which also includes counseling sessions and support groups. In short, it is a plan of treatment that works best for individuals suffering from substance abuse or more specifically AUD. 

More than 95,000 individuals struggling with substance abuse die due to harmful alcohol use every year across the United States alone. MAT aids in reducing these numbers by minimizing the requirement for inpatient intoxication services for individuals struggling because of AUD.

Functions & Advantages of Specific Medications

Methadone as well as buprenorphine act as crucial players in opioid addiction treatment. The said medication plays a major role in preventing deadly outcomes due to overdose, thereby providing safety nets for individuals who are battling addiction to opioids such as heroin, as well as prescription painkillers. 

Patients who are on methadone treatment maintenance, or buprenorphine-facilitated therapy also experience numerous other benefits which are remarkable. They are highly likely to see enhanced rates of survival, remain longer as a part of treatment programs, and minimize their criminal activity which is linked to or associated with drug-seeking behavior.

MAT and Its Operational Mechanisms

The Role of Medication in the Recovery Journey

Medications play a major role in assisting patients recover from OUD. Medical professionals prescribe medications such as methadone and buprenorphine in order to manage symptoms of opioid withdrawals effectively. 

These medications function by minimizing cravings for opioids without paving the way for additional addiction problems. This specific method supports patients by making the stay stable as they put work into other aspects related to recovery, like counseling, lifestyle changes, etc. 

It provides a bridge back to normalcy, allowing the affected individuals to reconstruct their lives with the help and support of professionals. MAT medications such as methadone & buprenorphine aid in reducing or alleviating symptoms of withdrawal without leading towards more addiction.

Integration of MAT with Counseling & Behavioral Therapies

In MAT, mixing medications approved by the FDA along with counseling sessions and behavioral therapies makes a potent approach to effectively tackle addiction. Counseling provides a very safe space to individuals wherein they have the freedom to explore their feelings and emotions, as well as behavior under the close surveillance and guidance of professionals like addiction counselors. 

Behavioral therapies, which includes CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) and motivational enhancements, aid participants in developing coping skills for handling triggers and intense cravings. This form of integrated strategy targets the reduction of substance usage and strives to better the mental well-being of those struggling against OUD or AUD. 

Assessing the Effectiveness of MAT

Supporting Evidence for MAT Usage

MAT has robust backing in terms of statistics, especially from scientific studies. It stands tall as a vital tool in battling opioid dependency and bettering public health. 

  1. Major health-based organizations endorse this kind of treatment as a strategy which is evidence-based. This includes WHO (World Health Organization) which openly supports its usage in the treatment of opioid dependence.
  2. Many studies have also found that medications may prove to be highly effective in the management of both cravings as well as withdrawal symptoms. Examples include methadone and buprenorphine. These substances aid individuals in staying on their path to recovery.
  3. Medications used in this form of treatment can minimize the risk of getting hepatitis C or HIV amongst drug users by reducing needle sharing.
  4. In the treatment of opioid use disorder, evidence clearly shows that patients receiving MAT for OUD have higher rates of survival as compared to individuals who do not receive such medications.
  5. Research also highlights that Medication-Assisted Treatment for opioids can result in fewer relapses into drug usage because it mixes medication with psychotherapeutic support such as CBT.
  6. Data highlights that providing MAT in primary care settings enhances accessibility for patients battling addictions. This leads to better treatment uptake rates.
  7. Methadone maintenance treatment, which is a variant of MAT, minimizes criminal activity synonymous with misuse of drugs by stabilizing the behavior of patients.
  8. Pregnant women who are fighting against OUD witness better birth outcomes when they are enrolled in MAT-based programs. This ensures better health for both the one giving birth as well as the one which will be born. Hence, MAT-based OUD treatment is highly preferred.
  9. Studies also point out that easy access to naloxone, which is an integral part of numerous MAT programs, is key in efforts of preventing overdoses across communities.
  10. Recovery success stories mostly shed light on how combining medication with counseling as well as behavioral therapies empowers people to reconstruct productive lives which are free from any form of substance or drug abuse.

Statistics on Recovery Success & Prevention of Relapse

Statistic Detail
Death due to Drug Overdose Since 1999 Almost 1 Million in the United States
Overdose Deaths in 2020 Associated with Opioids 75%
Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder or AUD in 2021 Millions aged 12 or more
Participants Receiving MAT Many from the aforementioned group

This table highlights the issue’s scope and how the treatment plays a major part in tackling it. The high amount of deaths caused due to overdose clearly underscore the requirement of effective treatment options. With 75% of deaths caused due to overdose in 2020 being associated with opioids, the crisis of opioids continues being a serious concern. The survey conducted in 2021 highlights millions of individuals struggling with AUD or OUD, which points to the massive need for intervention.

Addressing Misconceptions Associated with MAT

Debunking Common Myths

  1. MAT replaces one form of addiction with another: Addiction medicines approved by the Food and Drug Administration, including the likes of methadone and buprenorphine help in the management of withdrawal symptoms as well as cravings without the euphoric effects of opioids or high which is synonymous with opioid misuse. They are effective tools in recovery, and not substitutes for other addictive substances.
  2. It is used only when cases are severe: People at numerous stages of OUD or AUD can derive benefits from this form of treatment. Depending on the needs of the individual, medical professionals may need to recommend enrolling in MAT programs early in order to prevent any kind of complication and enhance the chances of recovery.
  3. Using MAT indicates low willpower: The recovery process includes much more than sheer determination. It demands both medical as well as psychological support. Medications bridge the rift or gap created by the imbalance in chemicals, thereby making it possible for individuals to indulge more effectively in therapy as well as counseling sessions.
  4. One cannot obtain sobriety when undergoing MAT: Sobriety is not only related to abstaining from substances; it is more about restoring health & functionality. By stabilizing the chemistry of the brain and brain receptors, more specifically the opioid receptor cells, MAT permits individuals to focus on their objectives and goals without experiencing overwhelming cravings or symptoms of withdrawals.
  5. Discrimination against individuals undergoing MAT treatment is acceptable, especially if they are using prescribed drugs: Under the ADA or the Americans with Disabilities Act, discrimination against individuals taking part in MAT programs is considered illegal. This recognizes their rights in terms of medical care as well as support for recovery.

Clarifying the Role of MAT in Addiction Treatment

MAT plays a major role in treating substance use disorders, like those involving dependencies on alcohol and opioid. By combining medications such as buprenorphine, methadone for OUD, as well as disulfiram for AUD along with counseling and behavioral therapies, this form of treatment addresses both the physical as well as the psychological aspects related to addiction.

Access & Availability of MAT

Challenges which Arise When Trying to Access MAT Services

Individuals trying to obtain help via MAT generally face numerous major hurdles. For starters, travel times can be very lengthy, their insurance plans may not cover all the costs, and some even have to spend a lot of money out of their own pockets. 

Doctors and healthcare providers might not understand MAT properly, which adds another layer of issues. This can make individuals feel stuck since they are unable to get the help they desperately require. 

Another major issue is lengthy waitlists in terms of treatment slots. When individuals are unable to access MAT quickly, chances are they might switch to unsafe methods of acquiring prescription drugs in order to cope. This specific risk of misuse clearly exhibits how important it actually is to better access to such lifesaving treatments.

Efforts to Better MAT Access & Minimize Stigma

A mixed force of changes in policies, community efforts, and innovations in the healthcare sectors are making significant strides towards the following goals:

  1. Governments as well as the makers of health-related policies are pushing for specific approaches which are “medication-first”. This prioritizes getting people enrolled in MAT programs at the earliest without any unnecessary delays.
  2. Insurance coverage is increasing for MAT-based services, all thanks to the “Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008”. Thanks to this treatment act and similar other ones, more individuals are now able to find health plans which support their journey of recovery.
  3. Medicaid has begun coverage for methadone maintenance treatments in OTPs, with the coverage of buprenorphine varying as per the state but generally getting more accessible.
  4. Removing the barriers of cost has become a major point of focus, with numerous efforts being aimed at making the medications approved by the FDA easily accessible to everyone who requires them, irrespective of their financial health or status.
  5. Support for individuals who are incarcerated is expanding, with numerous initiatives designed to offer MAT treatment services for individuals who are in prison settings as they get ready to re-enter society.

The Importance of Supportive Environments

Influence of Community & Family in Treatment

The involvement of family as well as the community offers the necessary support, helps in overcoming challenges, and increases the success rates of recovery. Individuals going through the treatment often get strength in the encouragement as well as participation of their loved ones throughout the journey. Support from family during the treatment is not only beneficial but also transformative. 

Moreover, communities which understand and provide backing to MAT programs help in establishing an environment where people feel less stigmatized when it comes to asking for help. This positive atmosphere offers encouragement to more individuals to access medications for OUD and get psychiatric care for disorders which are co-occurring. This majorly increases their chances of recovering without relapsing.

Best Practices for Offering Support to MAT Participants

  1. Leverage programs such as Vermont Hub-and-Spoke model, which provides a comprehensive care network which connects individuals with numerous resources, right from intensive treatment to community support.
  2. Incorporating counseling as well as behavioral therapies besides drug administration in order to battle underlying problems and bettering outcomes.
  3. Ensure convenient access to treatments for co-occurring disorders for addressing any conditions related to mental health, besides substance use disorders.
  4. Provide training to staff members regarding the vitality of non-judgmental care in addition to the specific medications such as vivitrol, buprenorphine, as well as other substances which are commonly used in MAT.
  5. Collaborate with local leaders via efforts such as the ones supported by the NACo Opioid Solution Centers to increase community-facilitated recovery options.

Final Thoughts

The treatment of substance use disorders can prove to be life-changing for patients. MAT provides hope along with a clear roadmap to recovery for those individuals who are struggling against OUD. By combining medications prescribed at a top-tier treatment clinic or treatment center along with counseling and support groups, MAT battles addiction on numerous fronts. It eases cravings besides aiding individuals in building healthier lives. With its evidence-based success in amplifying survival rates as well as in reducing relapse, this particular treatment shines bright as an unwavering beacon of progress when it comes to addiction care.


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