Vivitrol Injection vs Sublocade: Which One Should You Choose? | Sublocade vs Vivitrol in 2024

Selecting the correct treatment program when it comes to opioid addiction may feel overwhelming to many individuals. Sublocade and Vivitrol are two popular options. In this article, we will shed light on the differences between Vivitrol and Sublocade injections, how they function, and what one should keep in consideration when selecting one between. Let us dive right into the Vivitrol injection vs Sublocade comparison:

Vivitrol Injection vs Sublocade: The Main Features of Vivitrol & Sublocade

Both of these stand out from the rest of the competition thanks to their respective constituent ingredients and how they aid individuals in battling addiction. On one hand, Vivitrol uses naltrexone, which is a drug that acts as a barricade against opioid and alcohol use disorder cravings whereas on the other hand, Sublocade is dependent on buprenorphine, which is known for minimizing withdrawal symptoms as well as urges. 

Vivitrol vs Sublocade: Ingredients

Exploring the main ingredients present in Vivitrol shot as well as Sublocade injections highlights how they aid individuals in their battle against OUD or Opioid Use Disorder. Vivitrol contains Naltrexone, which is a key component. Vivitrol efficiently harnesses the capability of naltrexone, a popular compound which acts as a barricade against the receptor cells of the brain. This particular action limits the euphoria and as well as the sedative effects of opioids. 

Coming to the second one, Sublocade contains buprenorphine, which is a partial opioid agonist. This form of medication which is used to treat Opioid Use Disorder or OUD activates the receptors in the brain for opioids but to a minimized degree as compared to opioids, targeting to minimize cravings and symptoms of withdrawal. 

Vivitrol vs Sublocade: Key Targets of Addiction Treatment

Now that we know about the ingredients, let us take a look at the key differences between Vivitrol and Sublocade in terms of the main targets of addiction. Vivitrol prevents individuals from relapsing into usage of opioids as well as consumption of alcohol after they have quit. On the other hand, Sublocade is designed for maintaining treatment of OUD, following treatment with a variant of buprenorphine initially. Vivitrol is also very unique because it aims to prevent alcohol usage. Sublocade needs patients to begin with the prescribed form of buprenorphine a week before they start their treatments. This step is vital because it aids in a seamless transition to Sublocade. 

Vivitrol vs Sublocade: Injection Sites

Sublocade injections go directly under the patient’s skin. In simpler words, an injection containing Sublocade is given under the skin of the patient, i.e., it is a subcutaneous injection. This specific way in which Sublocade is injected aids in the release of medication very slowly over time. On the other hand, the intramuscular injection or the monthly injection of Vivitrol is given directly into the patient’s gluteal muscle, which is present in the buttocks. The method of how Vivitrol is injected is highly effective. However. both of these administrations require an experienced medical professional. 

Vivitrol vs Sublocade: Side Effects

Both Vivitrol and Sublocade are utilized in MAT or medication-assisted treatment for OUD. Even though both Sublocade and Vivitrol work well for treating OUD, they come with numerous side effects. Let us take a detailed look at some of the main side effects of Sublocade and Vivitrol:

Common Side Effects of Sublocade and Vivitrol

  • Constipation
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Pain or irritation at the injection site
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting
  • Hives and Rashes
  • Liver Issues (Vivitrol)

Serious Side Effects

Serious side effects as well as risks are a vital part when it comes to medications such as Vivitrol and Sublocade for OUD. Here is a in-depth look at them: 

  • Allergic Reactions: Patients undergoing treatment with Vivitrol or Sublocade may experience intense allergic responses. Some common indications include having trouble when breathing, face, lips or throat swelling. Each of these demand immediate medical attention.
  • Depression: Both kinds of treatments pose the risk of resulting in or worsening depression. Individuals undergoing treatment should keep a check for mood swings and ask for help if any symptom arises. 
  • Liver-Related Issues: Starting Vivitrol treatment may lead to major liver damage as well as hepatitis. Keeping check of liver function tests when beginning Vivitrol treatment or when undergoing it is very important. 
  • Suicidal Thoughts: There is an enhanced threat of suicidal ideation when taking these medications, i.e., using Vivitrol comes with the risk of envoking suicidal thoughts. Both patients as well as caregivers must always be aware regarding any alterations to the patient’s mood or behavior. 
  • Injection Site Reactions (Sublocade): Sublocade may lead to intense reactions, specifically at the site where the injection was administered. Additional symptoms may include infection, pain, as well as possible tissue death, thereby necessitating intervention via surgery. 
  • Boxed Warning (Sublocade): This specific medication comes with a boxed warning regarding the threat of serious harm as well as death if it gets accidentally injected into the patient’s vein instead of the intended site, i.e., under the skin. 

Vivitrol vs Sublocade: Treatment Efficacy

Performance in the Treatment of OUD (Opioid Use Disorder)

Both Vivitrol and Sublocade have a major part to play when it comes to treating Opioid Use Disorder or OUD. Each of the drugs has exhibited effectiveness in terms of minimizing cravings as well as in helping patients avoid relapse. Both of them have been officially recognized for their potential to transform the lives of patients by majorly lowering the chances of them relapsing. 

Selecting One Between Vivitrol & Sublocade

Making the correct choice between any form of medication including suboxone, vivitrol or sublocade, or especially between vivitrol and sublocade depends entirely on the patient’s health requirements as well as the medical advice they received from medical professionals. Both the options act as viable treatments for fighting dependence on opioids. However, they function in different kinds of ways. In fact they come with their own sets of considerations.

Considerations for Discontinuing Treatment

Deciding to forfeit treatment with either Vivitrol or Sublocade mandates careful considerations. Patients are strictly advised to weigh the potential effect on the OUD recovery journey as well as their overall mental health. Here is a look at some important factors: 

Withdrawal Symptoms

Patients may face multiple withdrawal symptoms after stopping Sublocade medication. However, chances of this happening is much less when taking Vivitrol medication. Completely stopping taking Vivitrol can lead towards the withdrawal symptoms’ (opioid) return if the patients had been completely abstinent before beginning the medication.

Period of Transitions

Opting for Vivitrol after using Sublocade involves waiting for a period of two weeks in addition to undergoing required bloodwork. This makes sure that the patient’s body has properly processed the previous medication, minimizing risks which are synonymous with overlapping effects of drugs. 

OUD Management

Making sure that all the alternative measures are at the right pace for the management of OUD is very important. Discontinuation may enhance the threat of relapsing into excessive drinking, or opioid abuse in the absence of support systems such as counseling or other programs for treatments which are endorsed officially by the SAMHSA

Side Effects

Evaluating how the ongoing side effects may alter or transform after completely stopping the medication used is very crucial. Both of the medications carry with them the risks of serious threats in the form of side effects . Moreover, discontinuance may amplify some risks, thereby potentially introducing a completely new set of challenges. 

Analysis of Overall Cost

When making an informed decision by choosing between medications like Sublocade or Vivitrol, individuals should also consider all sorts of financial implications including pharmacy copays, coverage changes of health insurance. 

Personal Health Factors

Another key factor to consider when choosing between medications like Vivitrol and Sublocade is evaluating personal health conditions which may be affected due to discontinuation, such as mental health problems like anxiety, physical dependence, as well as pregnancy.

Guidance from Professionals

Individuals must consult with a professional doctor at a reputed healthcare center offering recovery treatments regarding the potential outcomes of completely stopping using Sublocade. Their valuable insights can guide individuals in making important decisions as per individualized risk assessments as well as relapse prevention strategies. 

Support Systems

Ensure that solid support systems are readily available before discontinuing either of the medications. This includes support from family and friends, easy access to treatment services and support programs,as well as emergency plans for smoothly dealing with relapses, dangers of overdose, etc. 

Summarizing the aforementioned points offers a well-structured approach towards making the right decisions about stopping treatment with Vivitrol or Sublocade, all while properly managing expectations related to the recovery progression of opioid withdrawal symptoms as well as considerations related to mental health effectively. 

Evaluation of Costs

Evaluating the costs related to Vivitrol and Sublocade-based treatments is of utmost importance when making choosing between Sublocade or Vivitrol. Both of these medications are a major investment when it comes to the health of an individual. 

The list price of Sublocade and Vivitrol is approximately $1830 and $2000 respectively. Despite featuring high price tags, both of them are typically covered in health insurance plans. Moreover, although both of them are comparatively pricier as compared to the generic medication options, their effectiveness when it comes to treating OUD justifies the total cost. Patients must keep their budget in consideration besides their health insurance plans when choosing medication for themselves. Furthermore, they should have a chat with their healthcare provider regarding the option which will fit their requirements perfectly. 


Selecting the right medication between Vivitrol and Sublocade is dependent completely on the unique health requirements of the patients. One should think regarding the kinds of substances they are attempting to combat, whether it is opioid use disorder or alcohol dependence, and most importantly, how their body handles treatments. 

Also vital is to understand how every medication functions in the system and any potential side effects they might bring. Discussing all the options with a professional at a renowned treatment center is a vital step for any individual battling OUD, alcohol dependence, substance abuse and mental health disorders, or any other related issue. Turning to substance abuse and mental health services can help individuals have a better chance in terms of finding the perfect fit for their recovery journey.  

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